Source code for symmetrize.pointops

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

@author: R. Patrick Xian

# ========================= #
# Operations on point sets  #
# ========================= #

from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
from skimage.feature import peak_local_max
import astropy.stats as astat
import photutils as pho
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]def cart2homo(points, dtyp='float32'): """ Transform points from Cartesian to homogeneous coordinates. :Parameter: points : tuple/list/array Pixel coordinates of the points in Cartesian coordinates, (x, y). :Return: pts_homo : 2D array Pixel coordinates of the points (pts) in homogeneous coordinates, (x, y, 1). """ pts = np.array(points, dtype=dtyp, ndmin=2) ones = np.ones((len(pts), 1)) pts_homo = np.squeeze(np.concatenate((pts, ones), axis=1)) return pts_homo
[docs]def homo2cart(points): """ Transform points from homogeneous to Cartesian coordinates. :Parameter: points : tuple/list/array Pixel coordinates of the points in homogeneous coordinates, (x, y, 1). :Return: pts_cart : array Pixel coordinates of the points (pts) in Cartesian coordinates, (x, y). """ try: pts_cart = np.squeeze(points)[:,:2] except: pts_cart = np.squeeze(points)[:2] return pts_cart
[docs]def peakdetect2d(img, method='daofind', **kwds): """ Peak detection in 2D image. :Parameters: img : 2D array Image matrix. method : str | 'daofind' Detection method ('daofind' or 'maxlist'). ``**kwds`` : keyword arguments Additional arguments passed to the specific methods chosen.\n ``'daofind'`` See ``astropy.stats.sigma_clipped_stats()`` and ``photutils.detection.DAOStarFinder()``.\n ``'maxlist'`` See ``skimage.feature.peak_local_max()``. :Return: pks : 2D array Pixel coordinates of detected peaks, in (column, row) ordering. """ if method == 'daofind': # DAOFind algorithm sg = kwds.pop('sigma', 5.0) fwhm = kwds.pop('fwhm', 3.0) threshfactor = kwds.pop('threshfactor', 8) mean, median, std = astat.sigma_clipped_stats(img, sigma=sg) daofind = pho.DAOStarFinder(fwhm=fwhm, threshold=threshfactor*std, **kwds) sources = daofind(img) pks = np.stack((sources['ycentroid'], sources['xcentroid']), axis=1) elif method == 'maxlist': # MaxList algorithm mindist = kwds.pop('mindist', 10) numpeaks = kwds.pop('numpeaks', 7) pks = peak_local_max(img, min_distance=mindist, num_peaks=numpeaks, **kwds) return pks
[docs]def pointset_center(pset, method='centroidnn', ret='cnc'): """ Determine the center position of a point set and separate it from the rest. :Parameters: pset : 2D array Pixel coordinates of the point set. method : str | 'centroidnn' (the nearest neighbor of centroid) Method to determine the point set center.\n ``'centroidnn'`` Use the point with the minimal distance to the centroid as the center.\n ``'centroid'`` Use the centroid as the center. ret : str | 'cnc' Condition to extract the center position.\n ``'cnc'`` Return the pixel positions of the center (c) and the non-center (nc) points.\n ``'all'`` Return the pixel positions of the center, the non-center points and the centroid. """ # Centroid position of point set pmean = np.mean(pset, axis=0) # Separate the center and the non-center points using specified algorithm # Compare the coordinates with the mean position if method == 'centroidnn': dist = norm(pset - pmean, axis=1) minid = np.argmin(dist) # The point nearest to the centroid pscenter = pset[minid, :] # Center coordinate prest = np.delete(pset, minid, axis=0) # Vertex coordinates elif method == 'centroid': pscenter = pmean prest = pset else: raise NotImplementedError if ret == 'cnc': # cnc = center + non-center return pscenter, prest elif ret == 'all': return pscenter, prest, pmean
[docs]def pointset_order(pset, center=None, direction='ccw'): """ Order a point set around a center in a clockwise or counterclockwise way. :Parameters: pset : 2D array Pixel coordinates of the point set. center : list/tuple/1D array | None Pixel coordinates of the putative shape center. direction : str | 'ccw' Direction of the ordering ('cw' or 'ccw'). :Return: pset_ordered : 2D array Sorted pixel coordinates of the point set. """ dirdict = {'cw':1, 'ccw':-1} # Calculate the coordinates of the if center is None: pmean = np.mean(pset, axis=0) pshifted = pset - pmean else: pshifted = pset - center pangle = np.arctan2(pshifted[:, 1], pshifted[:, 0]) * 180/np.pi # Sorting order order = np.argsort(pangle)[::dirdict[direction]] pset_ordered = pset[order] return pset_ordered
[docs]def vvdist(verts, neighbor=1): """ Calculate the neighboring vertex-vertex distance. :Parameters: verts : tuple/list Pixel coordinates of the vertices. neighbor : int | 1 Neighbor index (1 = nearest). """ if neighbor == 1: vvd = norm(verts - np.roll(verts, shift=-1, axis=0), axis=1) return vvd
[docs]def cvdist(verts, center): """ Calculate the center-vertex distance. :Parameters: verts : tuple/list Pixel coordinates of the vertices. center : tuple/list Pixel coordinates of the center. """ return norm(verts - center, axis=1)
[docs]def reorder(points, itemid, axis=0): """ Reorder a point set along an axis. :Parameters: points : tuple/list Collection of the pixel coordinates of points. itemid : int Index of the entry to be placed at the start. axis : int | 1 The axis to apply the shift. :Return: pts_rolled : tuple/list The points' pixel coordinates after position shift. """ pts_rolled = np.roll(points, shift=itemid-1, axis=axis) return pts_rolled
[docs]def rotmat(theta, to_rad=True, coordsys='cartesian'): """ Rotation matrix in 2D in different coordinate systems. :Parameters: theta : numeric Rotation angle. to_rad : bool | True Specify the option to convert the angle to radians. coordsys : str | 'cartesian' Coordinate system specification ('cartesian' or 'homogen'). """ if to_rad: theta = np.radians(theta) c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) if coordsys == 'cartesian': R = np.array([[c, -s], [s, c]]) elif coordsys == 'homogen': R = np.array([[c, -s, 0], [s, c, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) return R
[docs]def csm(pcent, pvert, rotsym=None, type='rotation'): """ Computation of the continuous (a)symmetry measure (CSM) for a set of polygon vertices exhibiting a degree of rotational symmetry. The value is bounded within [0, 1].\n When csm = 0, the point set is completely symmetric.\n When csm = 1, the point set is completely asymmetric. :Parameters: pcent : tuple/list Pixel coordinates of the center position. pvert : numpy array Pixel coordinates of the vertices. rotsym : int | None Order of rotational symmetry. type : str | 'rotation' The type of the symmetry operation. Return: s : float Calculated continuous (a)symmetry measure. """ if type == 'rotation': npts = len(pvert) cvd = cvdist(pvert, pcent) # Center-vertex distance # Select the longest vector maxind = np.argmax(cvd) maxlen = cvd[maxind] # Calculate the normalized vector length cvdnorm = cvd / maxlen # Reorder other vectors to start with the longest pts_reord = reorder(pvert, maxind, axis=0) # Calculate the average vector length mcv = cvdnorm.mean() # Generate the rotation angles rotangles = 360 * (np.linspace(1, rotsym, rotsym) - 1) / rotsym # Calculate the unit vector along the new x axis xvec = pts_reord[0, :] - pcent xvec /= norm(xvec) # Rotate vector by integer multiples of symmetry angles devangles = [0.] for p, rota in zip(pts_reord[1:,], rotangles[1:]): R = rotmat(rota, to_rad=True) rotv = , (p - pcent).T) devangles.append(np.arccos(np.sum(rotv*xvec) / norm(rotv))) devangles = np.array(devangles) # Calculate the average angle mang = devangles.mean() # Calculate the distances d(Pi, Qi) dpq = mcv**2 + cvdnorm**2 - 2*mcv*cvdnorm*np.cos(devangles - mang) # Calculate the continuous asymmetry measure s s = dpq.sum() / npts return s
[docs]def polyarea(x=[], y=[], coords=[], coord_order='rc'): """ Calculate the area of a convex polygon area from its vertex coordinates, using the surveyor's formula (also called the shoelace formula). The vertices are ordered in a clockwise or counterclockwise fashions. :Parameters: x, y : tuple/list/1D array | [], [] Collection of vertex coordinates along the x and y coordinates. coords : list/2D array | [] Vertex coordinates. coord_order : str | 'rc' The ordering of coordinates in the `coords` array, choose from 'rc' or 'yx', 'cr' or 'xy'. Here r = row (y), c = column (x). :Return: A : numeric The area of the convex polygon bounded by the given vertices. """ # If coords is specified, x and y arguments are ignored. if len(coords) > 0: if (coord_order == 'rc') or (coord_order == 'yx'): y, x = zip(*coords) elif (coord_order == 'cr') or (coord_order == 'xy'): x, y = zip(*coords) A = abs(sum(i * j for i, j in zip(x, y[1:] + y[:1])) - sum(i * j for i, j in zip(x[1:] + x[:1], y))) / 2 return A
[docs]def arm(Aold, Anew): """ Calculate the area retainment measure (ARM). :Parameters: Aold, Anew : numeric/numeric The area before (old) and after (new) symmetrization. :Return: s : numeric The value of the ARM. """ rel = abs(1 - Anew/Aold) s = np.tanh(rel) return s
[docs]def gridplot(xgrid, ygrid, ax=None, subsamp=5, **kwds): """ Plotting transform grid with downsampling. Adapted from the StackOverflow post, :Parameters: xgrid, ygrid : 2D array, 2D array Coordinate grids along the x and y directions. ax : AxesObject Axes object to anchor the plot. subsamp : int | 5 Subsampling portion. ``**kwds`` : keyword arguments Plotting keywords. """ ny, nx = xgrid.shape # Subsampling the input grid coordinate matrices ss = int(subsamp) if ss != 1: xgrid = xgrid[::ss, ::ss] ygrid = ygrid[::ss, ::ss] nx, ny = nx // ss, ny // ss if ax is None: f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 4)) # Plot the y grid for i in range(ny): ax.plot(xgrid[i,:], ygrid[i,:], **kwds) # Plot the x grid for i in range(nx): ax.plot(xgrid[:,i], ygrid[:,i], **kwds)